Chair Event Information
If you are considering becoming an event chair or have already signed up, here are some basic guidelines of how things get accomplished!
PTO sponsored events are scheduled at the start of the school year. If the event you are chairing is not already on the PTO calendar, work with the PTO officers to select the date(s) for the event you are chairing-making sure there are no conflicts for testing, field trips, other fundraisers, etc.
Prepare a flyer announcing your event. This flyer will be used to send home to families and to poster around the school. Once the flyer is ready, send to the PTO president (s) for approval. Submit for approval at least 2-weeks prior to event. The PTO presidents will review and obtain approval from the administration as needed.
Often the flyer will be printed on both sides of the paper, one side in English the other in Spanish. The PTO has a chairperson that assists with Spanish translation.
The PTO purchases its own colored paper for flyers. It does not use school copy paper for its events. It is stored in the supply closet, labeled for PTO. The closet is locked and the key from the school secretary is needed (just ask to borrow it and be sure to return it immediately).
Copies of the flyers need to be made and distributed to the teacher mailboxes.
IMPORTANT: Often teachers will wait until the Friday folder to send home the flyers, so be sure to get the flyer ready the week before the event! Make copies for all classrooms and grades and distribute the Thursday or Friday before dismissal into the teacher’s mailboxes. The goal is to send home the flyers to families the week before your event. If you are unable to get the flyers ready the week before and are sending home the week of, be sure to add a note for each teacher that explains they should not wait until the Friday folder to send home but instead send it home that day.
Every week the PTO sends out emails on Sundays, called the Weekly Update. If you have announcements, email the content for the Weekly Update to no later than Thursday.
Create a morning announcement for use the week of your event. Email or drop off morning announcements with Hart's office support staff: and Be sure to note clearly “To be read on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and/or Friday.”
Click on the event to load chair-checklist:
Art to Remember
Battle of the Books
Book Fair
Box Tops
Costume Ball
Early Release Movies
E-mail Weekly Updates (HART PTO)
Fun Days
International Night
Junior Achievement (JA)
Kindergarten & Magnet Orientations
Learning to Look (L2L)
Mother's Day/Father's Day Boutique
Moving Up Ceremony (5th grade)-4th grade parent
PT Council/BOE Rep
Room Parents/Classroom Volunteers
School Photos
Schoolyard Habitat
Spanish Translations
Special Someone Dance Night
Spirit Wear
Spring Fling
Staff Appreciation
Valentines Day Flowers
Website Content Administrator
Welcome Back Luncheon - Teachers
Welcome Back Picnic - Families